OPEN 01/04

Cancellation conditions for your stay
at Le Clos des Pins campsite

Aquatic area for children at the campsite near La Palmyre

Vous souhaitez annuler votre séjour au Clos des Pins ?

Any cancellation must be notified to the campsite in writing as soon as possible. The campsite does not make any refunds in the event of cancellation. For those who wish, you have the option of taking out our Campez Couvert partner cancellation insurance at the time of booking. This subscription costs 3.20% of the amount of the booked stay.

Here are some example cases for which the cancellation insurance reimburses:

  • Serious illness, serious accident, death, complications due to pregnancy
  • Summons for the adoption of a child, a remedial examination or an organ transplant
  • Serious damage to your vehicle within 48 hours before the 1st day of the stay
  • Cancellation or modification of the dates of paid leave, redundancy, professional transfer…

See Campez Couvert reimbursement conditions

Details of Campez Couvert conditions